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Web Development In Online: What is JavaScript? How use Javacript now a days.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What is JavaScript? How use Javacript now a days.

JavaScript is the best popular Scripting language in internet. JavaScript designed for interactivity HTML pages. Script language is a kind of simple JavaScript generally embedded straight in HTML pages. It is interpreted language that it means without primary compilation. It can be executed. Without license any body can use it. It work main and main all browser. Such as: Mozilla fire fox, internet explore, chrome, opera, Safar and comet bird, Netscape etc programming language.


Type of JavaScript:

Java and JavaScript is different language. From concept and design both separate. Sun micro system made Java Script language. It is strong and complex object oriented programming language. It is expressed by C and C++.


Java Script’s activity:

JavaScript generally gives a programming tool   to HTML designer. HTML’s   are not any programmer but the JavaScript is so very syntax a Scripting language that most of them writer make it. As a result, they use in HTML pages.

Ø      JavaScript can set up dynamic text in HTML Pages. Such as: document. Write (“<h1>”.
Ø      JavaScript can call in events.
Ø      JavaScript can read and write HTML element.
Ø      JavaScript uses for data validate. JavaScript can use data validate before submit in server. It helps to server to do other excess work.
Ø      JavaScript use for know to visitor browsers.
Ø      JavaScript use makes for Cooke.


You have to know about this.

You have to about HTML/XHTML knowledge before learn JavaScript. So, You have to learn HTML or XHTML. Then you can work in JavaScript. Dear learner, Now we know java Script’s main name.  JavaScript has an official name. It is ECMA Script. It maintains ECMA organization. Its official stander is ECMA-262. Java Script Java Script has been discovered since 1996. It presented for Netscape and Microsoft browser. ECMA-262 had started develop since 1996. It has first edited in June 1997. ECMA general assemble declared it. It is continuous.

Use of JavaScript:
HTML <script> tag use for include JavaScript in HTML pages. It will be clear to us that see an example. Here, it has showed how to use JavaScript for writing text in a web page. For this, open your note pad and then type same.
<script type="text/javaScript">
document.write("<h1>Welcome to to our site www.webroun.blogspot.com It is a web design learning site.</h1>");

And then save (hello.html).            

Generally a browser control JavaScript.

Browser doesn’t support JavaScript but It shows pages content. To keep break browser work and it use to hidden its stander part. Here, you should HTML comment tags. JavaScript comment tag is <! -- And end tag is <--. Look an example bellow:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<h1>Hello darling!</h1>");

Where will you use JavaScript?

No sooner had the browser loaded a page than the JavaScript executed. We do not want this. Sometimes we want to a page load that a script will execute. We want other time that any user will a event trigger than execute that. It is possible. Now we are able to see where use it.  Use it in <head>. When will call Script or an event trigger than it will execute. If you want this. So you are to keep the script in head section. If you keep these scripts head section, So you will be ensuring that it will be load before use. Let’s go to see an example:



<script type="text/javascript">

function message()


alert("Learn more about web design and web development. Come again and again here");




<body onload="message ()">




Now save it (script_head.html).
Dear reader, if you find any wrong here. Please forgive me and comment me. We will try solving the problem. 

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