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Web Development In Online: Web development with HTML.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Web development with HTML.

web development with HTML

HTML is a hyper text mark up language. It importance is increasing day by day in the world. It helps us creating web or web pages. It has some nice tag. They are giving many facilities. In this digital world, no one can go ahead without proper knowledge to learn to HTML. Without learning html you can not get good web page.  You can make a web use  this tags. In fact, it not a programming language either it a Markup language.  HTML or these language uses for web or web pages. In this post you will get how to learn it?

What is HTML Tag?

All html marks up language tags are called HTML Tag. This tags stay both angel bracket. Such as: <html>, <head>, <body> and others. These tags come always  pair and pair. The name of tags also opening and closing. Note for matters. If any tag starts so, a closing tag have to use for finish the work. For example. <p> This is a paragraph </p>. Now you look. Which tag is opening and closing?

Showing the image you will guess start and closing tags. A (/ ) symbol adding this tag made. We give some example below. Then clear it.    

HTML Document equal web pages.

Html document is also describe  web page. This document stay some tags & plan text. These documents is called web page. Reading the html document a browser displayed a result. This reason, Browsers are use. Browser cannot displayed Html tags either using the tags translate the content. Let go to see a example: suppose, you want to create a html page. Now, open a notepad. Then type: <html> <body> <h1> My first project in html </h1> <p> This is my first paragraph</p> </body> </html>.

 <h1> My first project in html </h1>
<p> This is my first paragraph</p>

Now save it ( stat.html). Then open a browser. You will see same a page. You clear.

HTML Basic.

We will see how to learn Html basic? Html has six header tag. There are called heading. H1 to H6 are header. This header arranges page content.
to small. Now we look a example about heading. At first open your notepad. Type same. <html> <body> <h1> This is first header</h1> <h2> This is second header</h2> <h3> This is third header</h3> <h4> This is four header</h4> <h5> this is five header</h5> <h6> this is six header</h6>  </body> </html>


 <h1> This is first header</h1>
 <h2> This is second header</h2>
 <h3> This is third header</h3>
<h4> This is four header</h4>
 <h5> this is five header</h5>
 <h6> this is six header</h6>
Rounded Rectangle: HTML PARAGRAPHThen save it .( test_heading.html) and open it a browser. Then will come a result same image.                                                                

Dear learner, We will learn HTML paragraph. It start  <p> and end </p> by tag. Text are sit  between the tag. Such as

<p> Outsource is very important for us. It’s demand is increasing day by day. The importance of outsource  more and more. Outsource gives a opportunity for earning. Different ways does outsourcing. Such as: creating web, blogging, link building etc.</p>

Look the paragraph example. How to create a paragraph? Now wesee it. Open your Pc.
Just click start button and then go run. Here type notepad. Now write same below:
<p>  This my first paragraph</p>
<p>  This is my second  paragraph</p>
< p> This is my Third paragraph</p>

Now we save the file: (test paragraph.html). It opens a browser. Then we see a result same this image. More important matters, we will give next lesson, HTML Link, HTML, Image, and HTML Element. At last. We suggested you. Use this tags, Don’t forget use end tag. End tag is very important. Presented lesson by: bdit.

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