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Web Development In Online: Without writing, you can get a unique and high quality content for your blog.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Without writing, you can get a unique and high quality content for your blog.

We know few English. We want to income from blog. But we have not enough knowledge in English language. So, we suffer many about this matter. We spent our valuable time for content. Some time we visit many web sites to take information. We ever have been being written by other person. It is expensive. However, Today I give a wonder technique that you will wonder. You can get a unique and quality content without writing. So, let‘s we see How to get high quality content from a web. We know online has many blog sites.  Many site has pr 2-5. Its has high quality content. So, those site top in search engine. But its expire date is over. As a result, Contents are enlisting search engine.  We can use the expire site contents. Let go to see how to get the contents.

Step 1:
At first we have to find out which sites have expired. So, we have to go www.auctions.godadday.com. Then select auction domain. Here you can see a content box or advance options keywords. Write here your content Such as: web development, Graphic design, Seo, Make money, HTML learning, CSS tutorial, Health, Education, Recipes, Fitness, etc going to type options: give tick in box Expiring Auctions. Write traffic 1 in box about traffic option. Than click Run Search: Then will open a new window. It will have expiring domain list.  Then save it and going to the name of www.archive.org . Here, you will see a search box. The search box name is way back machine. Then type the expire domain. Now click “browse history”. Waiting few time you can see a index list here. It has been showing index date you a select a day. Then will open indexing post. You can copy and save your hard drive.

Steps 2:

Write your internet browser www.smallseotools.com . Cheek the content plagiarism. If it is not use anywhere. You can use you blog. Other hand, you can use rewrite tools for rewrite the article. Now you can cheek after it had used. If you have not an idea about seo tools. You can learn it anywhere. Dear learner, If you to understand this post comment here. We will try to give solutions.

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