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Web Development In Online: How to make some list with HTML?

Friday, April 4, 2014

How to make some list with HTML?


We know. HTML support generally orders and unordered definition lists. Dear learner, We are giving a tutorial about Html list. Here you get more interesting post about html list. Let we see how to create different list with html.

  • Unordered list:  unordered list means any item lists. List items showed by small and small circle. Unordered list stats <ul> and it finished by <li> tag. You can set up paragraph, line break, link, image, and others matter in list items.
  • Look below example: We have given an unordered list.
<h1> an unordered list example</h1>
<li> Mysql</li>

Save it the name of ‘test_ unorderlist.html. Then it open a browser internet explorer  or mozila firefox, cometbird,netscap etc. It will be a enough result a unordered lest with html.

Order List:  Order list is as like as unordered list. But  This list items are showed by number. Order list started by <ol> and finished by </li> . You can set up in this order lists image, paragraph, link, line, break and other objects. Let we see an example. How to work it.  Seeing this order list  example, you can understand easily it. Now open your notepad programme. Write this object same .
<h3> an order list</h3>
<li> Mariam</li>
<li> Laboni</li>
<li< Maliha</li>
<li> Moon Moon </li>

Writing the html code, save it  the name of order list .html. Finishing the work , open it a web browser. You will see a order list like this same image.

Dear visitor, Now we will see an other list. This list name is definition list. Definition is not any base items. It is a tram of items. Where describe an item tram. Definition is started  by <dl> tag. Each item start with <definition term. Other hand Every assertive start with  <dd> tag or (definition List). Here, you can add a paragraph, line break, image, link, and others elements. Noticed the below example. It is clear that how to work it.

<h4> a definition list about sex</h4>
<dd>Made from meat</dd>
<dt> vagina</dt>
<dd> Use it femle</dd>
<dt> breast</dt>
<dd> Use it children </dd>

How to build a Password field with HTML?

We will see an example about How to create a password field with HTML language. For this, we have to open the notepad. There write the marks up language. Then will be build a Password Field. Now we see How to create it. Write the language same below:
<form action=” “>
<input  type=”text” name=”user”>
<input type=”password” name=”password”>
This is a Password field with HTML language.

Let we save the file. Test _form _ passwordfield.html. Open it a web browser. Then will be come a nice result same this image.



It selects order list

It selects unordered list
It selects list item
It selects definition list
It selects term
It selects definition and give item describe
It is not allow now.

We will see next lesson. It will be  include many fathers  about  Html list. We will learn the next post. If you find anything wrong. Comment here. We will try to solve it. However, How does look it. And how learn about Html. You may also want to same kind s of  HtMl list post. Find here. You can get more post online and our page. Web development is a expansive  work. Though it is not basic. But it is a web development.

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